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It is the most effective device in non-invasive esthetic medicine for correcting degenerative changes caused by aging.

The world unique technology CRT (technology of refilling collagen) allows to escalate collagen production in the deep layers of the dermis, which leads to gradual and long-term improvement of skin sagging, its structure and reduction of wrinkles, lasting even several years.

This combination causes a very intense warming, which leads to :

  • activating the formation of new collagen and a removal of skin saggingAfter treatment, there is a gradual and long-term improvement of skin tone – thus the firmness and elasticity of the skin, wrinkle reduction, skin streching, brightening, total rejuvenation several years less. Changes come up gradually, but persist for many months up to years.
  • remodeling of collagen fibersIt means – streching old collagen fibers, which are thanks to the age weakened and unevenly deposited. This leads to the reduction of wrinkles and immediately visible smoothing skin relief, and completely without a risk of damaging the skin.

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